Iterating Through Trees In Rust

Wednesday, February 1, 2023 16 min read


This article assumes that the reader has read The Rust Programming Language Book and has good familiarity with the language. The full source code can be found on my Github.

This article covers iter, iter_mut and into_iter and the Iterator and IntoIterator traits. Its aim is to aid in the reader’s understanding more than as a how-to guide. Most programmers will be familiar with Binary Search Trees, so we avoid going too much into their details.

A Wrong Turn

With limited Rust knowledge and a typical algorithms textbook the first design will likely look like this:

type Link<K, V> = Option<Box<Node<K, V>>>;

pub struct BST<K, V> {
    pub root: Link<K, V>,

pub struct Node<K, V> {
    pub left: Link<K, V>,
    pub right: Link<K, V>,
    pub parent: Link<K, V>,
    pub key: K,
    pub value: V,

This will only end in tears, I’m afraid. See, in order for a child node to mutate its parent it has to hold a mutable reference to the parent, but a node can have two children so that means two mutable references to the parent, which in Rust’s world is no bueno.

So where do we go from here?

Well, if we knew that our implementation was sound and the compiler was simply being too pedantic, we could move the borrow checking from compile time to runtime by wrapping the nodes in refcells but in our case this still won’t work because the design of the data structure needs to change.

Back On Track

What if we removed the parent pointer?

type Link<K, V> = Option<Box<Node<K, V>>>;

pub struct BST<K, V> {
    pub root: Link<K, V>,

pub struct Node<K, V> {
    pub left: Link<K, V>,
    pub right: Link<K, V>,
    pub key: K,
    pub value: V,

Now we have gone from our doubly-linked design to more of a singly-linked one, which means each node no longer has multiple mutable references.

We can implement some methods to create a new tree node and a way of inserting them into the tree. As we will be determining the tree structure by the keys, we need to give K the trait bound of Ord and as we will be checking for a values presence in the tree we can use the more permissive PartialEq trait bound for V.

impl<K: Ord, V: PartialEq> Node<K, V> {
    pub fn new(key: K, value: V) -> Self {
        Self {
            left: None,
            right: None,

impl<K: Ord, V: PartialEq> BST<K, V> {
    pub fn insert(&mut self, input: Node<K, V>) {
        let mut current = &mut self.root;
        while let Some(node) = current {
            if input.key > node.key {
                current = &mut node.right;
            } else {
                current = &mut node.left;
        *current = Some(Box::new(input));

Balance Without Rebalancing

One area we haven’t addressed is that insert produces a singly-linked list when given a sequence of nodes that is already ordered by their keys e.g. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). In this case, the tree would then need to be able to rebalance itself. As we are only trying to cover iteration, a rebalancing tree is beyond the scope of this article. Nor do we cover the case of duplicate keys. We make sure to avoid these cases in our testing.


As trees are recursive structures many of the algorithms that work on trees utilise recursion, but as recursion is just using the program’s call stack (which is more limited in space), we can just use a stack data structure for the iterative version.

In order for a type to provide iteration it has to implement the Iterator trait. How do you implement the Iterator trait for a tree when there are multiple ways of traversing one?

We have to wrap the root of the tree in three different wrapper types and implement the Iterator trait and the various traversal methods on each one.


For inorder traversal we visit nodes from the left subtree first, followed by the root and then the right subtree.

First, we add the InOrderIter type which is a struct wrapper for iteration. InOrderIter has two fields: stack which is a vec containing references to optional tree nodes that is used to hold the state of the iterator, permitting a depth-first approach; and current which is used to hold an optional reference to a node allowing for the iterator to move back up the tree.

pub struct InOrderIter<'a, K, V> {
    stack: Vec<Option<&'a Box<Node<K, V>>>>,
    current: Option<&'a Box<Node<K, V>>>,

Next, we add the inorder method to the tree implementation:

impl<K: Ord, V: PartialEq> BST<K, V> {

    pub fn inorder<'a>(&'a self) -> InorderIter<'a, K, V> {
        InOrderIter {
            stack: Vec::new(),
            current: self.root.as_ref(),


Here we instantiate the InOrderIter struct and pass in a reference to the tree’s root in the current field. As we only want to borrow the nodes of the tree we have to tell the compiler that we will be keeping the InOrderIter around at most as long as the underlying tree that we’re borrowing from. We do that by providing the same lifetime annotations: 'a.

These lifetime annotations are used throughout the Iter and ValuesMut traversals because they all borrow from the underlying tree.

Finally, we implement the Iterator trait for the InOrderIter type, which means implementing the next method:

impl<'a, K: Ord, V: PartialEq> Iterator for InOrderIter<'a, K, V> {
    type Item = (&'a K, &'a V); 

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        loop {
            if let Some(current) = self.current {
                self.current = current.left.as_ref();
            } else { 
                if let Some(node) = self.stack.pop() {
                    let popped = node.unwrap();
                    let result = (&popped.key, &popped.value);
                    self.current = popped.right.as_ref(); 
                    return Some(result);
                } else {
                    return None;


The type Item in the body of the impl block is an associated type on the Iterator trait and becomes concrete on the implementation. For us this means that the type Item is referring to the value or Item we want to return from the iterator. So when next returns an Option<Self::Item> we are actually saying Option<(&'a K, &'a V) with Self referring to this very implementation of the Iterator trait. Associated types are mainly used to improve the readability of the iterators return type.

Each call to next triggers a loop that fills the stack with all of the current node’s left descendants starting with the current node. This is how the ordering of nodes is kept to ‘inorder’. We exhaust all of the left descendants from the current node and move into the last added child by popping it from the stack. We need to unwrap it to remove the Option to get at the node’s fields, this allows us to take a reference to its key and value and produce a result. We then update self.current to hold a reference to the popped node’s right child and exit the loop by returning either the result; or None if the stack was empty and self.current was None.

Below is a test for the inorder traversal of our tree. As mentioned in Balance Without Rebalancing, to keep the height of the tree to a minimum, retain balance and prevent us from producing a singly-linked list, we need a specific insertion order for the nodes in the tree. To encapsulate these properties, we have wrapped it in its own helper function to be used across all tests. This will also give us a clear idea as to the correct order of nodes returned from each traversal method.

mod tests {
    fn tree_setup() -> BST {
        let node = Node::new(4, "hello");
        let node2 = Node::new(2, "world");
        let node3 = Node::new(1, "Rust");
        let node4 = Node::new(3, "crate");
        let node5 = Node::new(6, "mod");
        let node6 = Node::new(5, "iter");
        let node7 = Node::new(7, "tree");

        let mut tree = BST { root: Some(Box::new(node)), };


    use super::*;
    fn inorder() {
        let tree = tree_setup();


        let mut iter = tree.inorder();

        assert_eq!(, Some((&1, &"Rust")));
        assert_eq!(, Some((&2, &"world")));
        assert_eq!(, Some((&3, &"crate")));
        assert_eq!(, Some((&4, &"hello")));
        assert_eq!(, Some((&5, &"iter")));
        assert_eq!(, Some((&6, &"mod")));
        assert_eq!(, Some((&7, &"tree")));
        assert_eq!(, None);

Running the test we get this output:

$ cargo test inorder
running 1 test
test bst::tests::inorder ... ok

test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 4 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

The passing test indicates that the nodes are visited inorder. The assertions in our test show that as we move through the nodes in the tree by calling we return the nodes ordered by key from smallest to biggest.

All further testing is omitted from the rest of this article and can be found in the repo on my Github.


For preorder traversal we visit the current node first, followed by the left and then the right subtree.

The struct wrapper for preorder is a little different to the inorder struct as we do away with the current field. Preorder is altogether a more simple means of tree traversal.

pub struct PreOrderIter<'a, K, V> {
    stack: Vec<Option<&'a Box<Node<K, V>>>>,

We can then add the preorder method to the tree implementation:

impl<K: Ord, V: PartialEq> BST<K, V> {

    pub fn preorder<'a>(&'a self) -> PreOrderIter<'a, K, V> {
        PreOrderIter {
            stack: vec![self.root.as_ref()],


Since preorder traversal visits the current node first, the tree’s root is added to the stack right from the start because it is the common ancestor of all nodes.

Finally, we implement the Iterator trait for the PreOrderIter type by implementing the next method:

impl<'a, K: Ord, V> Iterator for PreOrderIter<'a, K, V> {
    type Item = (&'a K, &'a V);

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if let Some(node) = self.stack.pop() {
            let node = node.unwrap();
            let result = (&node.key, &node.value);
            if node.right.is_some() {

            if node.left.is_some() {
        } else {

Each call to next will check if popping from the stack returns a Some variant, if it does, we unwrap the popped node and take a reference to its key and value and put them in the result. By pushing the right child onto the stack first, we ensure that the right child is popped last, after the left child. This is how we maintain preorder iteration. Lastly, next returns to the caller by returning either the current node’s key & value or None.


For postorder traversal we visit the right subtree first, followed by the left subtree and then the current node.

Like we did with InOrderIter we require a current field, without it we lack the state to be able to move back to older generations in the tree.

pub struct PostOrderIter<'a, K: Ord, V> {
    stack: Vec<Option<&'a Box<Node<K, V>>>>,
    current: Option<&'a Box<Node<K, V>>>,

We add the postorder method to the tree implementation, which is very similar to the inorder method:

impl<K: Ord, V: PartialEq> BST<K, V> {

    pub fn postorder<'a>(&'a self) -> PostOrderIter<'a, K, V> {
        PostOrderIter {
            stack: Vec::new(),
            current: self.root.as_ref(),


Implementing the next method for our PostOrderIter is a little more challenging than PreOrderIter and InOrderIter:

impl<'a, K: Ord, V: PartialEq> Iterator for PostOrderIter<'a, K, V> {
    type Item = (&'a K, &'a V);

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        loop {
            while let Some(current) = self.current {
                if current.right.is_some() {
                self.current = current.left.as_ref();
            } if self.stack.is_empty() {
                return None;
            if let Some(node) = self.stack.pop() {
                let popped = node.unwrap();
                if !self.stack.is_empty() && popped.right.is_some() &&
                        .unwrap().unwrap().key == popped.right.as_ref().unwrap().key {

                            self.current = popped.right.as_ref();
                } else {
                    let result = (&popped.key, &popped.value);
                    self.current = None;
                    return Some(result);

Like with InOrderIter, on each call to next we have to make sure to maintain a route back through the tree as PostOrderIter does not take a linear path like PreOrderIter, hence the inclusion of the current field.

By wrapping the code in a loop we allow the rest of the code to prioritise the left leaf nodes of the tree, visiting them first when possible. Each call to next adds its right child and itself to the stack while moving self.current to its leftmost descendant. Once self.current is None, we check to see if the stack is empty, because if self.current is None and the stack is empty; all nodes have been visited and we return with None to the caller, exiting the loop in the process. If the stack is not empty then we check to see if the popped node has added its right child to the stack, if it has, we remove it, add the popped node back on the stack (which will be returned out of the iterator the next time we call pop on the stack) and then move into the popped node’s right child. The right node will then be passed through the body of the while loop. We do this until we reach either of the exit clauses.


Iter only provides shared references to items in the underlying collection, if we wanted to do anything to the item returned via iteration we need an exclusive reference.

IterMut, however, cannot return the key, as any mutation on the key would invalidate the invariant of the tree. Instead, we just return the value stored at that key’s respective node and not the key itself. Therefore, it makes more sense to call this struct ValuesMut, where we return a mutable iterator over the values. As we are still using references we also still need to provide lifetimes like with the Iter traversal methods.

pub struct ValuesMut<'a, K, V> {
    queue: VecDeque<Option<&'a mut Box<Node<K, V>>>>,

A significant difference between ValuesMut and the previous iterators is that instead of using a stack and a depth-first approach we use a queue and a breadth-first approach. The standard library has VecDeque which is a collection type that enables First-In-First-Out (FIFO) operations, giving us the ability to traverse the tree an entire level at a time (breadth-first).

impl<K: Ord, V: PartialEq> BST<K, V> {


    pub fn values_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> ValuesMut<'a, K, V> {
        ValuesMut {
            queue: {
                let mut q = VecDeque::new();


We instantiate queue with a mutable reference to the root of the tree, much like we would do when instantiating a stack, except the standard library’s VecDeque does not include a macro for easy initialisation.

impl<'a, K: Ord, V: PartialEq> Iterator for ValuesMut<'a, K, V> {
    type Item = &'a mut V;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if let Some(node) = self.queue.pop_front() {
            let current = node.unwrap();
            if let Some(left) = &mut current.left {
            if let Some(right) = &mut current.right {
            return Some(&mut current.value);
        } else {

On each call, we pop a node from the front of the queue, if the current node has a left child we push a mutable reference to the left child on the back of the queue, so that when we pop from the front of the queue with subsequent calls to next, the left child is popped first. If the current node has a right child then we push a mutable reference to it to the back of the queue. Finally, we return a mutable reference to the current node’s value or return None.


For IntoIter we can create another struct that holds a stack of the tree’s nodes. A significant difference here, compared to the previous sections, is that in IntoIter we don’t use references – we are actually moving values.

pub struct IntoIter<K, V> {
    stack: Vec<Option<Box<Node<K, V>>>>,

No longer do we add an iterator method on the implementation like we did for Iter and ValuesMut, instead, we implement IntoIterator for the Binary Search Tree, allowing the tree to be turned into an iterator directly like this:

/* `tree initialised here` */

for (k, v) in tree {
    /* `do something` */

/* ... */

Because the conversion to IntoIterator becomes implicit in the for loop we can only produce a single traversal method for iteration – to put it plainly, there is no way of enforcing a specific traversal order unless explicitly called with one and that would defeat the purpose.

impl<K: Ord, V: PartialEq> IntoIterator for BST<K, V> {
    type Item = (K, V);
    type IntoIter = IntoIter<K, V>;

    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
        IntoIter { stack: vec![self.root] }

This moves the root of the binary search tree into the into_iter method when the root node of the tree is added to the stack, the tree instance will then be dropped. Another notable difference here is that we have another associated type: IntoIter, which is a requirement of the IntoIterator trait, that tells the implementation what iterator we’re turning this into (in our case; a stack).

We still actually need to iterate through the elements of our iterator. So that means implementing the Iterator trait like we did when we implemented Iter and ValuesMut.

impl<K: Ord, V: PartialEq> Iterator for IntoIter<K, V> {
    type Item = (K, V);

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if let Some(current) = self.stack.pop() {
            let current = current.unwrap();
            if current.right.is_some() {

            if current.left.is_some() {
        Some((current.key, current.value))
        } else {

For this next method, we can reuse the logic from PreOrderIter’s next method; except we change from moving references to values.


The approach we followed in this article is considered more “textbook” as it follows the pointer method commonly used to implement trees in other languages and is therefore more intuitive. This means that for someone with less experience in writing Rust it is easier to implement.

There are, however, some disadvantages with this approach, both in performance and style.

According to the official Rust docs under BTreeMap, our implementation of a tree is wildly inefficient. Each node added to the tree triggers a heap allocation and because we do not allocate a large contiguous block such as with a fixed-size structure, the memory is all fragmented so there is no way for the CPU caches to utilize the data structure, Figure 1 illustrates this:

Figure 1: Fragmented vs. Contiguous Memory

The general consensus amongst other members of the Rust community is to use arena allocators. Both Nick Cameron’s article and Niko Matsakis’s article discuss the use of arena allocators as ways to model graphs in Rust, but the same ideas can also be used for trees.

Designing iterators for common data structures in Rust has proven to be not as straightforward as one might imagine, particularly if your experience with Rust up to this point is only quite small. While a seasoned Rustacean will be able to look up a textbook definition and quickly map that to an implementation in Rust, for others newer to the language it can take time and prove fairly difficult.

Most of the problems one has when trying to implement data structures in Rust usually come down to ownership and borrowing, a concept alien to users of other mainstream languages. I hope that you have learnt something from this blog post and that it has given you some inspiration. Thanks for reading, Ed.

Further Reading

A more in-depth look at Rust iterators in general and implementing them for your types: std::iter::Iterator.

For a more practical follow-along and an excellent Rust resource: Learning Rust With Entirely Too Many Linked Lists.

For more details on converting your collections into an iterator: std::iter::IntoIterator.

For learning more about the iterator pattern in general, common to many languages: Iterator pattern.

Finally, if you want to learn more about Trees.